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Parent Views

Parent Views

September 2018

Parental Questionnaire


The Governors and I would like to thank those of you who completed and returned the Parent Questionnaire at the end of the summer term; we were pleased with the increase in response to the previous year. The questionnaire is a method of gleaning your views and we were pleased to offer you the opportunity to share your views in this way. Eaton Primary School is your school, your child’s school, and your opinions are vital in helping us understand and move the school forward as a whole community, not just from a managing and teaching point of view.


I have correlated the information and recently presented it to the full Governing Body, offering your views directly to them. Questionnaires have been shared with the staff in order for your suggestions and feelings to be taken into consideration and acted upon where appropriate. I have spoken with some parents in relation to feedback and suggestions and would like to reassure you that we take your responses seriously in order to enhance our provision.

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