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What does our Art curriculum look like?


Here at Eaton Primary School, we believe that Art is a valuable part of learning. Our Art curriculum aims to develop and extend children’s skills and creativity and it provides opportunity to express children’s own unique interests and ideas. 

Children develop their understanding of the visual language of art through effective teaching and a carefully planned sequence of lessons that build on and develop artistic skills. Understanding the visual elements of art (line, tone, colour, texture, shape, 3D form and pattern) and providing children with the opportunity to explore, experiment and practise these skills will enable them to realise their potential.


How is the Curriculum at Eaton Primary School Structured?


We support our children in their understanding and accurate use of artistic and creative vocabulary based on the objectives and skills being taught. We carefully map out learning to ensure it is progressive throughout the school and builds on experiences and knowledge previously taught. Sketchbooks are effectively used across KS1 and KS2 to support and encourage children’s exploration of themes, techniques and approaches.

Art at Eaton encourages children to think critically as well as understand both their own and others’ cultural heritages. We encourage our children to be tolerant and responsible citizens through understanding that people's art is unique and commands respect. In art, our children experience a variety of diverse cultures which supports them in appreciating the awe and wonder of art in the world around us. A diverse range of artists and craftspeople are studied from EYFS through to year 6, including artists with a British Heritage. 


How do we provide for all learners?


All pupils have a positive view of Art and are able to talk enthusiastically about and demonstrate their creativity using a variety of skills and art elements. 

In a recent pupil voice Art was described by one child as,

“The subject I can express my creativity in”

Our art curriculum is delivered inclusively, therefore is fully accessible to each and every one of our pupils. Children are supported when necessary and the most able are challenged to ensure everyone can fulfil their potential within the subject.


How do we enrich the curriculum?


At Eaton we have whole school arts days to support the planned curriculum. These incorporate other curriculum areas (British Values, SMSC, English, Science, and well-being). 

Extra-curricular activities are offered termly to promote creativity. Art club, nature club, sewing club and cartooning club have been particularly popular in enriching the children’s exposure to artistic themes. 


How do we assess the curriculum? 


Children are given opportunity to evaluate their own and others work with empathy and compassion. All children have knowledge and understanding of a number of artists and crafts people that they can draw upon to support their own work.  

Art work is assessed termly by class teachers.  Judgements are made based on evidence gathered over the term. The subject leader monitors the progress of art through regular pupil voice across all age groups, together with lesson observation, work scrutiny of sketchpads and work displayed. Children’s progress and next steps for the subject are then identified.



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