Our approach to phonics
Eaton Primary use Read Write Inc. Phonics programme. It is used with Reception and KS1 children who are learning to read and write. These sounds are taught in a specific order to equip children with the knowledge and skills they need to decode words and read them accurately. Children will be assessed regularly during the implementation of the scheme and, if required, intervention will be timely and focused on a particular "gap" in learning. Individualised home packs will be sent out to support children. Daily phonics lessons are taught as a whole class with additional, targeted support for those pupils requiring it. In the Summer of Year One, children will take a statutory phonic screen to assess how they are progressing with their phonic knowledge.
It is a complete literacy programme taught daily for Reception and Year 1. We aim to create:
fluent, enthusiastic readers
a deeper comprehension of texts
confident speakers
keen writers
Throughout the programme, children are taught to:
learn to read and write letter-sound correspondences quickly
decode effortlessly, spell and handwrite easily
comprehend what they read
read with fluency and expression
write confidently using oral rehearsal
work effectively with a partner to articulate their learning at every step.
There are some pupils who need more support than most. After identifying these children, we provide additional opportunities to practise these skills.
Read Write Inc has been proven to produce excellent results for our end of year Y1 phonics tests.