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Year 5

Year 5


Our Curriculum

Please find our long term plan here.


You can find more information about our curriculum by clicking on each topic below to open our knowledge organisers.




Properties and changes of materials

Earth and space

Living things and their habitats

Animals including humans



Jane Ray illustrations

Barbara Hepworth sculptures




Mars rover

Mars rover 2



Online Safety


Design Technology

Christmas Cams

Moving Spacecrafts


Geography & History

Is North America just one big country?

Where did the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots settle?

Who got what in the struggle for England?



Livin' On A Prayer

Classroom Jazz 1

Make You Feel My Love

Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Dancing In The Street

Reflect, Rewind, Replay


Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education

We're All Stars

Be Friendly, Be Wise

Living Long, Living Strong

Daring to be Different 

Dear Diary

Growing and Caring for Ourselves


Physical Education












































Religious Education

Why are the Five Pillars important to Muslims?

How is the Muslim faith expressed through family life?

Why is community and equality important to Sikhs?

Which concepts do we find hard to understand in Christianity?


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Year 5 - Gymnastics 1.jpg
Year 5 - Gymnastics 2.jpg
Year 5 - Dance 1.jpg
Year 5 - Tennis.jpg
Year 5 - Tag Rugby.jpg
Year 5 - Handball.jpg

Eaton Primary School

Lower Lane, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 9AN



Tel: 01829 732731

© 2019 Eaton School 

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